Quick Thoughts

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Monday 23 April 2012

Being a parent isn't always about what you want - no matter what they tell you!

My family visited a local festival on the weekend.  It was a little rainy, and a little more than cold, but we toughed it out for this outdoor event none the less.  True, we could have checked the weather network and "called the game", but there are just some things you have to do when you are a parent. 

The festival has become a bit of a tradition for my family, and my husband agreed to continue (and participate in) the tradition after we were married.  We agreed that, any events that the kids seem to enjoy that do not cost a lot (or in this case anything) to attend, we will take them as long as they are still interested in going. 

On Saturday that meant bundling up both our 15 year old and our 8 month old for a couple hours outside in the slightly frigid weather to walk around the local festival.  As long as my husband and I had coffee to drink, and the kids were happy, we stuck it out.  The 15 year old did well, especially when she got her standard kettle corn, vendor sausage and several cups of hot chocolate.  The little guy was tucked close to mommy in a snugglie carrier (for warmth and convenience) and was very happy to watch the people and pets go bye from his warm little vantage point.  A nice warm bottle did it for him too.

If we had got up Saturday morning and thrown in the towel I think our day would have been a living hell.  Sure, my son would not have known the difference, but my daughter, who looks forward to sharing this event with her grandparents and uncle, would have been beyond disappointed.  I think she would have felt robbed of an annual event, in her mind, equivalent to Christmas or Easter.  But the parental chores don't stop there.

Sunday evening my daughter decided to make herself a sandwich; one of her famous, can't be passed up, most delicious in the world, personal creations that I am not permitted to know the ingredients for, sandwiches.  Yes culinary creations of this caliper are not solely limited to the young aspiring chefs of singular digit ages.  She offered me half, of which I gratefully accepted and, with a huge smile on my face and lots of expletive sounds, ate.  It was edible, but also very very interesting.  My husband grinned.

When my daughter was far from ear shot I explained to him that he too will have to partake of such wonderful foods over the coming years.  He looked at me with a questioning eye.  It is part of the parental package, I said. One of our chores if you will. 

If your child brings you something they have made, that they are proud of -YOU EAT!  And you will be happy about it. 

If your child wants to go somewhere and it doesn't cost anymore than your time - YOU GO!

If your child wants to do something that will not kill them, cause property damage, or maim any neighbourhood children - YOU GO!  I mean... you let them..and you go supervise! :)

I kindly explained this to my husband, who agreed completely. Sometimes you gotta do the thing you don't want to do because your kids want to, and they need to experience life too.  They weren't there when you did it yourself the first time.

Oh yeah, one more thing that you have to do as a parent (and I see so many that forget..sigh).
Give them a hug when they want it.  It costs nothing.  It takes so little time.  So if they ask, just do it.
 I promise that is one thing that wont leave a bad taste in your mouth - GUARANTEED!


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