Quick Thoughts

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Sunday 15 April 2012

Just some little thoughts

I know I haven't posted in a while.  I haven't really had the time lately in all honesty.  When I have had the time, I haven't really been inspired.  A few sad things have been happening around me as of late, which has been draining my inspiration to write; at least about anything that isn't related to these kinda unhappy events.  At least on the home front everyone is well and happy, and that is a good thing (not to sound to Martha).

I have been reading a little Capote lately.  Breakfast at Tiffany's, which I did not realize was a short novel, was quiet interesting and very different from the movie.  They totally cleaned it up and gave it the old hollywood happily ever after.  I wonder if that was due to Audrey or not.  The novel also has a couple short stories included that are rather interesting and make me realize that not all writing needs a happily ever after or a blatant plot that slaps you in the face.

I also read some Earnest Hemmingway.  He, too, has a very unique style that I find a little...dry? Not really, but I can't really put my finger on it.  I read the Snows of Kilamanjaro and some other short works.  Nothing jumped out at me as a new favorite.  Maybe I will have to try something else.

It kind of sucks that everytime I go to the library the books on my list are not there.  I have been picking up other stories (those above included) by the same authors I am seeking.  I guess in a round about way I am getting more reading in this way.

Well, as I said, I am not very inspired lately.  This post is simply to let you know I am still here.  I will post something a little more substantial later.


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